The king’s blood by Daniel Abraham


I just started reading ” The King’s Blood” by Daniel Abraham and as soon I finish it, I’ll be sure to let you know what I think. For now the second opus of the Dagger and the Coin is very promising and the first few chapters are already throwing us in a great web of intrigues. The book start almost exactly where the first one had left us and Abraham seems to be giving us exactly what we wanted. Will it be predictable or give us a feeling of ”been there, read that”? I’m sure it will, but  that won’t stop me from enjoying it one bit. The author really know how to create a great story and hopefully we’ll be able to learn a bit more about his complex world. ” The Dragon’s Path” left me with many unanswered questions and with the third book of the series coming out this year, I hope we’ll be able to find those answers.

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